The HoustonVR Lab at Station is now closed. While it was a fun ride we have decided to shut down the lab. We appreciate all the support from our community that made this possible. Unfortunately the lab in it's current iteration was not serving the community the way we wanted. We look forward to refocusing our energies and bringing something new that will match our vision.
We are excited at the opportunity to transform consumers into creators and give people a chance to bring their thoughts to life. We will soon be launching several development classes centered around VR and AR technology, programming, and art all with the central goal of teaching you to create your own content.
To be notified when we launch classes, please enter your email address.
HoustonVR is one of the longest running VR Meetup organizations. When we started in 2014 we held one monthly meetup. We now offer several monthly events including our original “Prime” meetup, our Sunday Coffeehouse Chats, and our Developer Meetups. We also occasionally host special events such as VR Gaming tournaments and social events. Check out our upcoming events below.